little things about your side-project killing it

There are some amazing projects being posted here, but there are some mistakes I see in projects over and over again. I wanted to give a no bull overview on fixing this, so here we go.

  1. Add a Readme. We should be able to understand the purpose of your project and how to set it up properly, furthermore, it develops the essential ability to document.

  2. Add a Demo. Yes, you have made a project, what have you implemented? How does it look? Does it work? A demo answers these questions quite quickly.

  3. Guys, add a .gitignore, having a .DS_STORE in your Github repo is amateurish, easily solved with a .gitingore. Better have a .gitignore template you can use for all of your projects.

  4. Follow a commit philosophy. Coding is a collaborative process, your commit messages are not for you, it is for your teammate. Write clean, concise messages that tell what your code does. The Angular commit philosophy might come in handy in this regard.

  5. Have searchable and understandable project names - Make sure your project names clearly indicate the purpose of the project. Your projects are hidden away as it is, you don't want it further away with an obscure name.

    Originally posted here